Sunday, December 5, 2010

Telekinesis Steps and Theory


We all are made up of the same basic matter – energy. Therefore, it is straightforward to assume that energy can be manipulated. Thus, objects can be moved or bent using the power of the mind.

These are abilities that are present in a nascent form within all of us. We all can learn how to get in touch with these capabilities and to use them. All it takes is some amount of concentration and practice.

Here are some exercises for you to try out so as to learn how to get in touch with and develop your psychokinetic abilities:

Telekinetic Energy is Natural

The ability of telekinesis is very natural occurrence and we all have the ability to perform telekinesis it's just a matter of learning the ability. It is primarily a Mind/Brain/Consciousness related phenomenon though certainly its roots are sub-atomic like all manifestations. Some research shows there is a lot of activity in the cortex of the brain in relationship to this. Most of what we term psychic phenomenon or mystical happenings happen in the "off" phases of consciousness.

Consciousness is always in the on/off phasing, blinking off and on, as it were. Off/On phasing phenomenon is photon related manifestation of energy and light. The energy we are dealing with here is tiny pockets or "quanta" of energies. The ability to bend spoons, levitate is happening at the other levels being only manifested as a physical event upon the space/time shell frame which we interpret as our reality. There is also a good deal of illusion as well. One must be able to discern the reality of both. Sometimes there is a vast difference in what we THINK we see vs what IS actually happening.


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