Sunday, December 5, 2010


The truth of the matter is anyone can
learn telekinesis. In fact, you already have telekinetic abilities, but they are laying dormant in the vast majority of people and they can be brought to the surface which is what this article is about.

First however, let's look at what telekinesis is all about. Unlike the movies and the comic books, you will not find anyone capable of tossing cars around like toys or lifting a couple of building before breakfast just to keep in practice. But telekinesis is a very real ability that is slowly but surely starting to awaken in people around the world.

Telekinesis is the ability to move objects with the power of your mind. You do not have to use your physical strength, you are using mental strength instead. This means persons with physical disabilities can learn telekinesis just as easily as the worlds greatest athlete. In fact, physical handicaps could actually give you an advantage in learning telekinesis because many people with physical handicaps tend to have better concentration.

Concentration is of the utmost importance for anyone trying to learn telekinesisand the deeper you can concentrate, the faster you can develop your telekinetic abilities. So spend time developing your ability to concentrate before you start trying to do telekinesis.

Always start your concentration exercises by finding a quiet, relaxing place to work. You want some place comfortable, but most people do better if they do not lay down, especially if you have a tendency to fall asleep easily. Take a few deep breathes and let all thoughts and tensions release from your body. When you are ready, find a sport on a wall or a small item on a shelf.


Fern Owl said...

shame on you passing yourself off as a Spiritual person when you stole this entire post from my site at I am reporting you to google.

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