Saturday, December 4, 2010

Initial Steps for Learning telepathy

Initial Steps for telepathy learners

  • Sit across from each other at a table or on the floor (maybe the floor is better so you can see the whole person). Then have one person be the sender, and the other person be the receiver.
  • Then you need to decide what will be sent, like the number of the card, the colour of the card, or perhaps whether or not the card is royalty or not. Whatever you decide doesn’t really matter, as long as both people know what is being sent/received.
  • Now, the sender will take a card from the top of the deck without showing the receiver, and look at the card with their full attention, really absorbing the information as best they can. Whilst remaining calm, the sender should then look directly into the eyes of the receiver.
  • Upon the moment of eye contact with the sender, the receiver will often get an impression of the card the sender is holding. Then the receiver should tell the sender their impression. Remember not to rush… Then repeat this process over and over and ove
secondry important points are
  1. Sender And Receiver
    We will need two people. One will be the Sender, who will attempt to transmit thoughts; the other will be the Receiver, who will attempt to receive the thoughts transmitted by the Sender. Prior to the experiment, decide clearly if you are going to be the Sender or the Receiver. If you don't, you both might end up being Receivers or Senders! Avoid that confusion. For this article, we will assume that you are the Sender.

  2. Belief
    First of all, it is very important that the Sender and the Receiver both believe that Telepathy is possible. Even if the belief is not 100%, an open-minded attitude is a must. In fact, it is best if the participants not only believe in Telepathy, but also actually deeply desire it to occur. If you are a skeptic, and if the doors of your mind are closed, you will get very poor results.

  3. Physical Relaxation
    Telepathy is most effective when the Sender and the Receiver are both totally relaxed physically. Also, being in positive health makes you concentrate better. Try not to practice when you are unwell. Relax yourself using any relaxation method you find best. You can either breathe deeply a couple of times, or use the progressive relaxation method.

  4. Mental Relaxation
    Clear your mind of unwanted thoughts. Make your mind tranquil. Let thoughts come and go, but don't get attached to them. Focus on your purpose. Since you are the Sender, your focus will be to send your thoughts across. Your partner, the Receiver should focus his mind to be receptive to your thoughts.

    Make sure that both of you do not have any distractions around. A disturbed environment will be detrimental to your progress. A calm and quiet environment will give maximum results

  5. Visualization
    Before beginning the transmission, it is important that the previous steps are well followed. They will set up the foundation for your success. With your eyes shut, visualize a very clear picture of the Receiver. Imagine that he is a few feet away from you. Visualize him in full color. Feel that he is actually there. If you want, you can even look at a colored picture of him before the experiment. This will help you visualize him properly.

    Now imagine a silver tube connecting your mind and his mind. This tube is the channel through which your thoughts would be communicated to him. Visualize this tube to be full of energy. Know in your heart that this tube is very effective and will do the job well.

    Please note that visualizing the tube is not a must. It is just a very effective aid to help you focus and gives your thoughts a well-defined direction. Instead of this tube, you can even visualize that you are talking to your friend over the telephone.

  6. Transmission
    Now imagine that your thoughts are being transmitted through the tube - from your mind to his mind. If you are thinking of transmitting a mental picture of an apple, visualize a bright, red, juicy apple traveling across our tube. Make the picture as vivid as possible. Charge the apple with emotion. Believe that Telepathy is real. Desire that your thoughts reach your friend. Imagine the feeling you will have when you succeed. This is very crucial. Emotions are a very powerful trigger and give excellent results. Very often, Telepathy experiments fail because the thoughts lack emotional charge. Make sure you do not strain yourself to send the thought. You have to be relaxed and composed.

  7. When to stop/pause
    While you are sending your thoughts, there will be a moment when you will have a strong feeling that the thought has been transmitted. This is an unmistakable feeling that cannot be faked. Whenever you get such a feeling, the job is done. This might take a few seconds to several minutes. If even after 15 minutes, you do not get this feeling, you can abandon the experiment and try at a later date. Trying further will not help much because your mind would be exhausted.

  8. The Receiver
    Throughout the experiment, the Receiver should keep his mind blank and should try to receive the thoughts being sent by you. He should avoid trying too hard. Forcing himself to sense what you are thinking will sabotage your attempts. His mind will be most receptive when he is relaxed and at ease. He will get several impressions coming to his mind. He should keep a pen and paper next to him, and note down whatever thoughts come to his mind. He will probably feel that he is making things up. But that's ok. This is how Telepathy works.

  9. Compared results
    Once you are through with your experiments, compare your results. Check all the impressions that the Receiver has written down. Does it contain the thought that you tried to transmit? The more you practice, the more accurate results you will get.

  10. Repeat experiment
    You should then repeat the experiment - either immediately or at a later date. If you have got some success, your confidence would be quite high and you would want to repeat it immediately. But if there was no success, do not get discouraged and try the next day. Regular practice sessions are a must, because only consistency will make you better. You should also alternate between being the Receiver and the Sender. This will tell you what you are better at - Receiving or Sending.


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