Sunday, December 19, 2010

Meditation third and forth Step

Third Step

Then we come to the THIRD step. The third step is the step of serenity, the step of peace. In this third step, you may imagine yourself as a rock in the midst of an ocean. Waves arise. They dash against the rock. The rock is unaffected, is calm, tranquil, peaceful, serene. Waves arise. Waves are the distracting thoughts. They dash against the rock. The rock is unaffected, calm, tranquil, peaceful, serene.
Fourth step

Then we come to the FOURTH step. It is the step where you realize your oneness with all that is, all men, all creatures, all things, all conditions. You are not apart from others. The others & you are parts of the one great whole. You are in every man, in every woman, in every child. You are in every unit of life, in every bird and animal, in every foul & fish, in every insect, in every shrub, in every plant. You belong to all countries and communities, all races and religions. You are at one with the universe. This type of meditation will fill your heart with loving kindness & a spirit of compassion so that a stage may come when you will not wish to snuff out the life even of the smallest insect.


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