Friday, July 9, 2010

Prediction for Gemini 2010

The transit of Jupiter in ninth and tenth house during the year 2010 will keep Gemini’s health good and inclined towards religious things. Better to avoid getting indulge into arguments and family hassles especially if it is related to mother, wife or any other woman in the family. During the year 2010, Saturn transit over fourth house in Gemini horoscope will not allow you to find complete satisfaction and peace of mind even after having the materialistic comfort,
this year 2010 is going to bring popularity and fame for you in the field you are trying to receive better results previously. Gemini born can expect support from dear ones, relatives and even general public. Your efforts will sure find success and growth in professional area but the second half of year 2010 might bring some tense situations for you on personal front.

Gemini born if you not get harsh or irritate while handling your love relationships. Saturn transiting in fourth house will sure try to bring some disturbances in your mind but keeping control on your senses is the only alternative to keep your relationships alive.

Gemini born will find better support from love or spouse during the months from January 2010 to May 2010 as Jupiter is going to transit over ninth house and have aspect on fifth house (House of Love). You will also get a chance to visit other place (away from your homeland) along with the person you like. From start of May 2010 till beginning of November 2010, Jupiter is going to transit over Pisces (which is going to be tenth house in your horoscope) and might bring some sort of confusion or misunderstandings in between you and your love/partner. You need to keep your ego on lower side and focus on the discussions that bring peace and harmony in the relationship. During July 2010 till November 2010, Jupiter remains in retrograde position and if you are planning to express your views or plans to go for long term commitments with your love, it will be better to keep a hold on your expectations. Just try to provide proper attention and importance to your love/partner’s decisions. A passionate and long lasting love relationship is possible only

Finances are seen progressive during the year 2010. You better know how to manage your expenses. Better to keep a good eye over the diet of family members especially if you don’t have a medical insurance policy for them. Good continuity with superiors or clients will help you in finding better ways for rise in income. You need to spend the amount very intelligently and must avoid investing all of your money/profits lavishly.


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