Sunday, February 13, 2011

Choromopathy Color Indigo properties

INDIGO relates to the BROW chakra or third eye which is in the centre of the forehead The related organs to this chakra are the eyes, lower head and sinuses and the endocrine gland is the pituitary gland.

Indigo relates to self responsibility, that is to say, being responsible for one's own life; responsibility to oneself to follow the soul's path and needs and trusting one's own intuition. The ability to see things from a 'higher' viewpoint rather than purely for satisfaction of the ego or one's material comfort. Intuitive messages are unique to you and are for your own personal growth and differ from the gut feelings.
Indigo is a sedative and it helps to open up our intuition. The colour of divine knowledge and the higher mind. Not suitable for areas for entertainment but for more 'quiet' places. Bedrooms or treatment rooms for example. Some people find indigo is helpful for studying so this colour could be used as part of the decor

Friday, February 4, 2011

February 2011 predictions by Astrology

Predictions for February 2011
General Predictions
Be careful not to give into low spirits and fatigue now. Take time to rest. Have a major checkup. Don’t overspend. Go into therapy if you feel like talking to someone. A relationship may end now. Don’t start anything of consequence. This is a spiritual time to evaluate your life.
You are now in the position to move full steam ahead. This is a very important year for you to reap the rewards of what you have sown for the past seven years. Don’t fear challenges and changes. You will have more abundance in your life. You will work hard and must be consistent. You could find work in institutions or groups and/or work with money.
If you are looking for a mate, this month offers the best influences of the whole nine-year cycle. Being too critical of others and judging them could backfire at this time. Do the work that needs to be done around the house. It is time to start a savings account now. Don’t make more promises that you can keep. There is much for you to do and complete this year.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Important for visitors

Free Astrology for you ....

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